Pyramids in Bosnia
Merima Bojic,
11829 Gateway Blvd. # 4
Los Angeles, Ca, 90064
Ravne Tunnel and the T2 Megalith: And even more evidence of contradicting data in reports and images used by the Pyramid of the Sun Foundation to promote graffiti on stones as ancient scripts -
by Dr. Colette M. Dowell, ND - April 2008
I will address inconsistencies and illusions as published in reports written by Muris Osmanagich for Semir Osmanagich's Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, to promote an alleged ancient culture and pyramids in the hills of Visoko, Bosnia.
sum it up, evidence suggests there are photographs of two stones used to
create the illusion of one large megalithic stone inscribed with "ancient
markings." The reports as listed below, written by Muris Osmanagich and
published for Semir's Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation contain
inconsistencies in regards to where the supposed T2 megalith was situated
inside the Ravne tunnel. There are also questions to ask concerning the
photograph used in the "Secrets of
the Pre-Historic Reliefs,"
report written by Muris, showing the miner Enver Hasic, sprawled out inside
the small chamber housing the T2 megalith, where timbers and wood panels are
shown in the background in use to hold the ceiling and walls up. It has been
established already from
my article,
Paper on the Controversies Surrounding the Ancient Inscriptions on the T1
and the T2 Megaliths Found in the Ravne Tunnel,"
March, 2008,
that the
various reports written by Muris Osmanagich and others, comments/statements
made by Semir Osmanagich and aspects of particular published news items do
not correlate at all. Also, what about the marks on the stones that have
been reported by a Pyramid of the Sun Foundation's staff scientist (Nadija
Nukic) and later confirmed by
Husic Ensad, whom
knowingly made statements during an interview to be published in Dani
magazine, admitting he had carved them as a joke (despite his later letter
published on piramidasunca claiming he made no such statements after the
fact - it has also been established his letter is full of contradictions
according to earlier reports).
I will
start with,"Secrets of the Pre-Historic
by Muris Osmanagich (Semir's father).
Please see the images below and read the text associated with each one.
The photograph used above in "Secrets of the Pre-Historic Reliefs" by Muris Osmanagich (Semir's father), to show evidence of the T2 Megalith bearing ancient inscriptions, is actually a photograph of this stone displayed below (STONE ONE), as photographed on July 30th 06. I call the stone below, "STONE ONE," because it was the first stone, not far from the entrance of the tunnel that was larger than the average little stones in the breccias and had markings (modern graffiti) on it. As you will see, the markings are MODERN GRAFFITI. Stone One, as below and another stone that looks like a slab (which could be the big slab stone at the end of the tunnel ), were both photographed and used in reports from Muris Osmanagich, associated with the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, creating an illusion of one huge megalithic stone inscribed with possible ancient inscriptions dubbed the "T2 MEGALITH." Original photographs taken on July 30th, 2006, inside Tunnel Ravne are shown below as thumbnails (click the thumbnails to view the photographs in large format), with their date and time in advance properties.
STONE ONE - First stone in the Ravne tunnel to be remarked upon by Nadija Nukic, Geologist for the Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, when I had entered the tunnel with her on July 30th, 2006. The stone had MODERN GRAFFITI ON IT - NOT ANCIENT INSCRIPTIONS.
Here is Nadija Nukic showing STONE ONE; it is a medium to small size stone with MODERN graffiti on it.
Thumbnails may be clicked to open them up to the photograph's original size so you may see details of evidence. All photographs were taken on July 30th, 2006, in the Ravne tunnel unless otherwise stated.
Originals - blow them up to original size and look in advanced properties and date and time. This stone was the first stone in the tunnel that was large and had any scripts or markings on it. It was not at the end of the tunnel where the other huge slab stone was resting that is to be the T2 megalith.
STONE ONE - ORIGINAL - ANGLED FACE VIEW - click its thumbnail to blow it up original and look at it.
Here is an angled side view of it, showing the graffiti as well that has been distorted in the photograph used in the Foundation's reports. These pictures were taken on July 30th, 06. The date and time of these photos will show up on advanced properties. I did it this way so you can compare times, distances, times between shots, look at this, look at that...and so on and so forth.
These two reports listed give different lengths of the T2 Stone from beyond the entrance of the tunnel, in all, 75 meters difference; that is nearly 204 feet in discrepancy.
This report, the "Naucni Argumenti" of May 20th, 2006 or "scientific report/arguement" for the Foundation, shows the same photograph of STONE ONE as used in "Secrets of the Pre-Historic Reliefs" naming it as the T2 megalith. Naucni describes the stone as resting in situ, 185 meters from the entrance of the tunnel, where as the report of "Secrets of the Pre-Historic Reliefs," the T2 is said to be in situ at 260 meters beyond the entrance of the tunnel. Please see image and text below.
In the report of "Secrets of the Pre-Historic Reliefs," the T2 is said to be at 260 meters beyond the entrance of the tunnel.
Please see original photographs below (thumbnails) for date and time of the photographs of STONE ONE and compare them to the time of the photographs of the T2 stone (large slab stone located at end of tunnel in a small cavity/chamber) and you will notice quite a bit of time difference. Also, the photograph that of STONE ONE that is used for the Foundation's articles, looks like it has been touched up and altered.
The image below is to be the top side of the T2 megalith stone (this is not the same stone that is shown in the reports as the T2 megalith displaying ancient inscriptions). Two completely different stones are being portrayed as one so called T2 megalith. This may or may not even be the same T2 stone that was shown to me at the end of the tunnel. It looks very different from what I saw (and the photograph looks altered). Although on the large slab I saw, there were slight ripples/waves on the topside somewhat as this image below depicts, but, not to the same degree of emphasis. Please look at the original photographs below from July 30th, 2006 and blow them up to original size (thumbnails). If you have the ability to lighten these original photographs taken on July 30th, 2006, on your computer to see them more clearly; do it; you will not see what you see in the photographs that are being portrayed in the Foundation's reports.
When I saw the T2 stone in the tunnel, these strong lines that are to be some map were not on it. The photograph below will show part of the stone, however, there are others below to blow up and look at (thumbnails). The photograph above looks like it was drawn on to enhance possible existing veins in the stone as do the other photographs that are used by the Foundation to show evidence of ancient civilization's script.
The photograph above is the huge slab style stone at the rear/end of the tunnel known as the T2 megalith, located in a small cavity/chamber. As you will see it does not have lines etched in it that look like a map and it did not have any letters, ancient script type inscriptions or marks of any kind on it as depicted in the images portrayed as the T2 megaliths in the two said reports from the Foundation as listed above.
On left: The end of the tunnel and the butt end of the huge T2 megalith, showing a bulbous rear and irregular impressions, but, not topically etched lines or marks of any kind, and certainly no letters or ancient script. On Right: The top side of the T2 megalith, not showing any script/marks or etched lines defining a map of the Visoko Valley as described and illustrated (minus the photographs that looked altered ) by Muris Osmanagich.
There is discrepancy between the photograph above taken on June 17th, 2006 and the one below that was taken on July 30th, 2006. There were no timbers like the photograph above. There was not room in the cavity we were in with the T2 stone as displayed in the photograph above with Enver Hasic sprawled out. Where is the huge so called "T2" megalith slab stone in the picture above? In the photograph below (which I lightened) you will see the entrance to the tunnel that leads ahead of the large stone, it ended was very narrow and not really even crawl-able, we did not bother to go into that little space. You will also see part of the large stone showing - it is near the back wall, and it was up against the side wall to the left (right when viewing this photograph). The stone was so big, there was not much room for humans to be sprawled out with their picture taken with out at least part of the huge stone in the picture.
Also, the picture above displaying Enver Hasic has wood wall panels, wood ceiling panels and timber posts - the cavity and chamber the T2 was housed in did not have that type of wood reinforcement covering the walls and ceilings. There were some timber posts, but, they do not even look the same when blown up and are in different positions. There was only a few timbers and tiny area of wood in the chamber. If the wood ceiling had collapsed along with the walls, there would have been much wood debris laying about, or strewn through out the tunnel - there was none. I question whether the photograph of Enver Hasic sitting sprawled above the T2 was even taken in the same tunnel as there was ABSOLUTELY NO evidence of wood construction as such depicted in the area and the cavity/chamber in question DID NOT LOOK LIKE THAT AT ALL - Where is the huge stone? Please view the lightened photographs below, and the thumbnails for originals.
This is the end of the tunnel behind the large slab stone, that is so huge that part of it is still in the picture. I lightened this photograph so the entrance to the far end could be seen. Also, look how big this stone was, it is in every shot, the cavity we were in was very small. The photographs that Muris and Semir provide do not look anything like where this slab ( T2) is located.
Original photographs - check date an time on them (right click properties) if you would like and also blow them up to see the details of the area we were in to view the T2 stone.
is a photograph of the butt end of the T2 slab , it is huge and I was sitting on
it. To the left is where the end of the tunnel was.
is the end of the tunnel - to the right of the photograph, you will see the butt
end of the huge slab called the T2 , this is the same slab I was sitting on in
the photograph above.
This is a close up of the surface of the slab, there is no etchings of rivers and maps, hills and valleys, nothing but natural veins in the stone.
Photograph - near the end of the session we spent in the back area where the huge slab was located. Look closely when you blow the picture up at the surroundings and compare to the photographs that Muris, Semir and the Foundation provide to show some ancient stone with maps and inscriptions - just really plain hooey in hopes of claiming a "very important carved ancient map" of the surrounding territory that was created by a mix of materials - not really a stone or natural- but, man made even.
This is the last photo taken in the cavity where the T2 rested. We talked after this and stayed for a bit. Check the file number and the time in advanced properties - the next photo was taken after we left the cavity of the T2 stone and started our way back out of the tunnel. The T1 stone is the stone we saw last and was the fourth stone to be seen. Nadija did not show it to us , even when I asked her about it earlier. This was due to in sincere because she felt it was not worth taking out time to look at, however I wanted to see it. She told us about the fraudulent inscriptions when we were in the cavity of the T2 and also talked to us while we were at the T1.
This is the first picture taken after we left the cavity of the T2 and it is of the FOURTH STONE to look at, this was the T1. Check the file number and the time in advanced properties and compare against the image above. This is the stone that has the inscriptions on it that drew confession as a hoax- but, Semir and Muris and the Foundation has written many stories to cover their tracks, but, they do not have logic to them and the dates are wrong, and, well, I could go on and on, but, it really is all very negative.
Does Muris and Semir Osmanagich really think the rational public is so naive that once evidence is shown contradicting claims of ancient inscribed stones that the public will continue to support them and give of their monies? Who knows? What is happening over in Bosnia is unethical and even some Bosnians, not only politicians, are allowing this to continue and promote the scheme to make money and bring commerce to their country. Since I have written this paper and put the photographs together on the T2 in April of 2008, I have noticed that the names of the "megaliths" have changed from T1 and T2 to possibly K1 and K2 - there is speculation this was done so interested parties who do an internet search on the T1 and T2 stones would not find the revealing evidence as the older papers refer to the stones with their original names..
All photographs and graphics courtesy of Colette Dowell and Robert Schoch.
A Paper on the Controversies Surrounding the Ancient Inscriptions on the T1 and the T2 Megaliths Found in the Ravne Tunnel
Irna has been hard at work as well reporting on the Bosnian Pyramid Foundation - the latest convention and Andrew Lawlor's papers which were corrupted and presented as fact at Semir's "festival" conference during the summer of 2008. As of now, Andrew Lawlor, who was a "new" Archaeologist/ has quit the Foundation due to the unethical behaviour happening.
New papers on Le' site of d'Irna
Of Transparency and Scientific Integrity
Tunnels, Fossilized Wood and Radiocarbon Dating
Man Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down a Pyramid
A group of Bosnian hills might contain the world’s greatest pyramids—or its
greatest pyramid scheme.
by John Bohannon; photography by Martin Fuchs
published online October 22, 2008
PUBLIC NOTICE - Dr. Colette Dowell, N.D. addressing libel, April 12th, 2008
"Articles seeking to discuss the questionable activities of Semir Osmanagich and his Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation frequently meet with a torrent of cumber and curious retorts/denials from its members, associates and co-workers by means of, as some believe, wild tales of conjured fancy or with indiscriminate threats of legal action." Colette Dowell, March 2008
I had written the above statement as the opening paragraph to my article as posted below in March of 2008. Subsequent to my publishing of "A Paper on the Controversies Surrounding the Ancient Inscriptions on the T1 and the T2 Megaliths Found in the Ravne Tunnel," Semir Osmanagich's website has once again published inappropriate and false statements against my character and other scientists, doctors and researchers who were/are involved in uncovering truths pertaining to the colossal excavations of the hills of Visoko, Bosnia, and Semir's claims to "the world's largest pyramid."
On April 12, 2008 I wrote to Semir Osmanagich and his associates who are listed as members of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation. I have not received one reply as of yet, nor has the article been removed in English or the Bosnian language.
This is not the first time Semir and his followers have written tabloid grade untrue statements against my person or others. This same individual had posted on the Daily Grail on 24/10/2006 as:
Merima Bojic,
11829 Gateway Blvd. # 4
Los Angeles, Ca, 90064
Greg Taylor, owner of the Daily Grail removed the slander which also included me smoking pot in public and other allegations which were totally ludicrous. I had not even drank any alcoholic beverages while I was in Bosnia. Robert Schoch and I discussed the posting, I have files of the event on record. Once Greg removed the slander, this individual logged in once again and tried to post, however Greg caught it and it was once again immediately removed. Please see excerpts from some original emails.
Post on the Grail addressing the gross comments made by this Merima person (who I guess is maybe a woman after all).
How Low Can You Go
Submitted by bladerunner on Tue, 24/10/2006 - 4:44pm.
Merima you have made some very grievous allegations. Hearsay and slander are not
not arguments. By not nameing names, or sources you are not protecting anyone,
you are only protecting your groundless allegations. I will not say much more
about this subject but when people speak or write in forums as you just have. I
dismiss them as liars and troublemakers. These sort of attacks leave me
wondering how low you will go?
» reply | quote
ANYWAY-------------------to end with----------------
There are many problems with the stories this person is writing as in not knowing my personal character, they have written things that a person who is AGORAPHOBIC is not capable of doing, as it is beyond their scope of any interaction. I have addressed my agoraphobia to the public in a little video I made and was posted in early 2005 with Robert and me. I had decided to do so, as many individuals had asked me many times throughout the recent years why I had turned into a recluse. Often I have been compared to Sigourney Weaver in the movie "Copy Cat," whom created a new world around her consisting of only computers and one caretaker. As far as me venturing into the outside world and having any interaction with others, I was only able to do this when I traveled with Robert Schoch. I have tried to recover (diagnosed in 2003) and I am presently still making efforts - but, it is slow and very difficult for me.This attempt of Merima and the Pyramid of the Sun Foundation and / or any and all websites that are believers and promoters of Semir Osmanagich, who slander and try to diminish my credibility will not stop me from publishing reports. I have addressed these issues with legal aid. Please read the letter below written in good faith. This is a public notice. Thank you, Colette Dowell
On -----
Original Message -----
From: Dr. Colette M. Dowell
To: Sam Osmanagich
Cc: ; ; ;
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 12:27 PM
Subject: Bosnia - request
Dear Semir Osmanagich, The Bosnian Pyramid of the
Sun Foundation and Members, I was sent information regarding an article that has
been posted on April 03, 2008 on your Foundation's website, piramidasunca,
entitled, "Aliens to Science" written by Merima Bojic,en/
. It contains untrue statements concerning my behaviour in Bosnia. Upon review
it has been noted this article contains and is held as libel. I have been
directed to first request for the article to be immediately removed. I would
therefore be very grateful if you could arrange for the article's immediate
removal. This letter is sent to you in good faith and deemed as my first letter
of request. I also request that your Foundation and any and all of its members,
associates, colleagues or otherwise related, or interest vested in your
endeavors in Bosnia and elsewhere refrain from writing untrue, libel statements
upon my person in the future.
Thank you ,
Colette Dowell
Dr. Colette M. Dowell ND
Circular Times
Moving Forward Publications
An International Networking Educational Institute
Intellectual, Scientific and Philosophical Studies
Copyright © 1995, 2005, 2006, 2007,2008
Dr. Colette M. Dowell, N.D.
Angela Praxter - Professional Assistant
Website Design for the previous Official Website of Dr. Robert M. Schoch and Circular Times
and all contents including but not limited to text layout, graphics, any and all images,
including videos are Copyright © of Dr. Colette M. Dowell, 1995-2008